With more than 40 years in the pharmaceutical industry, the international market is one of the pillars of growth of our company. Asacpharma’s presence abroad is concentrated on two formulas: on one hand, countries where we have direct presence in the market through our subsidiaries and, on the other hand, countries where the products are marketed through our commercial partners, with whom we maintain long-term relationships based on trust and mutual growth.
Our health care products are divided into three main lines:
Allergy-respiratory:Because of new lifestyles, pollution, etc., allergy problems, bacterial reinfections and respiratory dysfunctions are on the rise. Our products offer solutions to these problems. We seek out companies that are well-established in this field and have the commercial and marketing tools needed to start up our activities successfully.
Dermatology-dermocosmetics:Present in 35 countries, especially in the Middle East, we have developed two converging business projects:
• ATACHE: products geared to well-being and aesthetic treatments.
• CPI: adjuvant products in skin care.
Osteomuscular: with products aimed at pain management, especially in our involvement in the African continent.
In addition, Asacpharma is interested in finding companies that provide proven experience to develop a joint marketing strategy.
Our subsidiary in Morocco, IBERMA, with an EU-GMP production plant and audited by the Spanish authorities, has more than 50 additional products.
More information at: export@asac.net